Here are some frequently asked questions that participants or parents and guardians have. If you have any questions that are not discussed below, feel free to contact us!

How do I sign up for camps?

Upcoming camps will be posted on our website. If there is no link provided, you can go to the website of the library where the camp is being run and find the link there. If a link is provided, you may simply sign up through the link provided.

Do I need to pay anything?

Nope! All of Science&Robotic's camps are completely free.

Is prior experience with the topics taught necessary?

All Science&Robotics camps are taught from an introductory level unless specified. All levels of experience are welcomed - they're fun for everyone!

How often are camps run?

Camps are run at various libraries across the Bay Area on a regular basis. Generally, more camps will occur during school breaks, but camps will also occur regularly throughout the year.

Can I help teach?

Definitely! We're always looking for volunteers who are passionate about STEM and want to make a difference in the community. If you are interested in helping out with some camps, please don't hesitate to contact us with some information about yourself and when you'd like to volunteer.

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